Richard Bowen
Managing Director Aurum Laboratories Pty Ltd
In 2007 Richard established Aurum Laboratories in Beckenham specialising in fast turnaround gold and base metal service.
Graduated from University of Adelaide Honours Degree in Chemistry 1975.
WMC Kambalda Nickel Operations
Research and Development Chemist
Researched and improved the DMG procedure for analysis of Nickel in concentrates.
Developed the method for determining Non Sulphide nickel.
Tasmania - Savage River Mines
Project Chemist
Responsible for a small onsite analytical laboratory and carrying out the duties of plant metallurgist to improve the performance of the WHIMS concentrator.
Northern Territory - Pancontinental Mining Jabiluka Uranium project
Environmental Chemist
Developed low level procedures for the analysis of trace metals and nutrients in the water, soil and biota. Regular sampling was carried out which formed the basis for the Environmental Impact Statement prior to gaining approval to mine and process the Uranium Ore.
Kalgoorlie - Anaconda Australia Kalgoorlie Geochemical Laboratory
Senior Chemist
Responsible for all geochemical analytical work for the company's exploration team which included developing analytical procedures for gold, nickel, uranium and diamonds.
Commissioned and operated the first simultaneous and sequential ICP-OES for the low level analysis of the refractory elements such as Sn and W.
Perth - SGS in Queens Park Laboratory
Laboratory Manager
Responsible for broadening the range of services offered by the Laboratory to the exploration, mining, agricultural, metallurgical and environmental industries.
Developed new analytical methods to offer to a diverse range of clients in the mining and metallurgical industries.
Obtained ISO9002 accreditation for the Laboratory and became a NATA signatory for most analytical work carried out.
Involved in the certification and analysis of shipment and trade samples. Authorised signatory of trade certificates with SGS in Western Australia.
Balcatta - Australian Assay Laboratories
Chief Chemist and Lab Manager
Manager of AAL in Balcatta – head Lab in Australia.
Responsible for method development, quality control across the group and accreditation Managed agricultural laboratory and onsite laboratories.
Welshpool - Analabs and then SGS
Lab Manager
Manager of Analabs in Welshpool - largest Lab in Western Australia.
Further expanded knowledge of geochemical analysis with MMI and other partial digests using ICP-MS and the analysis of bauxite using classical bombing techniques.